
Invest in clean energy

Chicago Tribune As someone who has financially invested in solar power, I have been asked a lot lately whether the country's economic troubles will imperil our nation's transition to cleaner, low-carbon energy sources. The assumption behind the question, of course, is...

Hurricane Ted

THE TIMES He built a groundbreaking media empire, won the heart of Jane Fonda – then lost them both. Ted Turner looks back on his driven life, and forward to his next big project: world peace. To read the full article please download the PDF

“Nature Girl” – Garden & Gun

Garden & Gun - November, 2008 One might think that the youngest daughter of Ted Turner grew up living in a series of penthouses and shopping at fancy boutiques. Not so, says Jennie Turner Garlington, a mother of four children ranging from three months to eight...

Force of Nature

Garden & Gun July/August 2008 By Chris Dixon Beau Turner controls two million acres of forest and ranch land.  Thankfully, he’d like to see much of it restored to its natural state. When I reach his pickup truck at 6:00 a.m. sharp, Beauregard Reed Turner is...

The Long View

Ted Turner’s plans include goading other donors to join his campaign to save the world Ted Turner has never wanted for ambition. As a yachtsman, he captured the America’s Cup, sailing’s highest honor. As a businessman, he founded the first 24-hour television news...